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CENE486C is the actual design of the project as defined in the proposal and results in both interim and final design reports and a poster presentation. A prototype may also be built if required. Student teams also work with a technical advisor (often a faculty member or a member of the engineering community) on the project, i.e., the sponsor/client does not serve as the technical advisor. Features of an appropriate Capstone project include: Technically challenging & complex (include a variety of possible solutions) Provide sufficient work for teams of 2-5 students (each student will work ~180-200 hours) Opportunities for students to: learn and apply new technical or interdisciplinary skills apply project management tools analyze and make trade-offs incorporate contemporary issues address economic, environmental and societal impacts of the design Projects should focus on civil and/or environmental engineering projects; with sufficient lead time, we will make every attempt to utilize projects that require additional capacity (mechanical, chemical, environmental science, forestry, business). View  HYPERLINK "http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Research/D4P/ProjectList.php" past projects to see example projects. Sponsor (client) commitment details As a sponsor, you: must be committed to providing a learning experience and be willing to communicate on a regular and timely basis with your student team; and are asked to fund the direct costs of the project that may include testing materials, analytical and manufacturing costs, specialized software, hardware or equipment costs, and student travel expenses. In addition, if possible, you are encouraged to make tax-deductible donations to our CENE Foundation Fund, which is used to enhance our Design4Practice program and finance a limited number of non-commercial capstone projects (e.g., community service projects or Intercollegiate Design Competitions such as the ASCE Concrete Canoe/Steel Bridge and the WERC environmental challenge). 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